Pocket Noteは文章の入力の他、画像、線、図形、地図の貼り付けができる新感覚のメモ帳アプリケーションです。
Studio K's,my office making applications for smartphone and tablet, released "Pocket Note",an application for iPad.
Pocket Note is a notebook application utilizing a new sense and you can input sentence and add photos, lines, diagrams and map.
・You can make documents by inputting sentence and adding photos, lines, diagrams and map.
※Up to 50 sentence blocks, 10 photos,50 lines,50 diagrams,1 map per 1 document
・You can use this application both vertically and horizontally.
・You can choose document type from grid, rule or plain.
Pocket Noteの詳細はこちらよりご確認下さい。
If you want to know details of Pocket Note, click this link.
Pocket Note is compatible with only iPad now, and it is going to be compatible with Android tablet until the end of 2016.
But Pocket Note is not compatible with smatphone(including iPhone),because Pocket Note presupposes to be used on big screen.

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