

ちはやぶる 神代もきかず 竜田川
からくれなゐに 水くくるとは


I saw "Chihayafuru",a movie based on Japanese comic and it is about high school students who play Ogura Hyakunin-isshu karuta.Ogura Hyakunin-isshu is a classical Japanese anthology of one hundred Japanese waka(poetry) and karuta is a tric-taking game."Chihayafuru" is the beginning of Ariwara no Narihira's waka in Ogura Hyakunin-isshu.
I remember being back in high school. 

Ogura Hyakunin-isshu was complied by Fujiwara no Sadaie(Teika) in the early Kamakura period.Ogura Hyakunin-isshu has 100 people's poetry,The beginning of it has poetry of Emperor Tenji and Empress Jito,ancestors of Tenno(Emperor of Japan) of Heian period and later,and the end of it has poetry of Emperor Go-Toba and Emperor Jyuntoku,Fujiwara no Sadaie(Teika)'s lords.Emperor Go-Toba and Emperor Jyuntoku were defeated by Kamakura shogunate at Jokyu War and their poetry were removed from Shinchokusen Wakashu,but their poetry were complied to Ogura Hyakunin-isshu.
In Heian period,Naka-no-Kanpaku family started by Fujiwara no Michitaka was driven into ruin by Fujiwara no Michinaga,but some Naka-no-Knapaku family's poetry is in Ogura Hyakunin-isshu and I think that they had cultural status.
The last part of Ogura Hyakunin-isshu has Minamoto no Sanetomo's poetry and I can know samurai's power grew in Kamakura period.
We can enjoy Ogura Hyakunin-isshu thinking meaning of poetry and political background of poets.

にほんブログ村 ライフスタイルブログ クリエイティブライフへ
