I went to Observation Decks of TOKYO SKYTREE that I never went so far though I live in Tokyo.
TOKYO SKYTREE was very crowded when it opened in 2012,but it takes about one hour to enter it even if it is holiday at the present time.
Observation decks of TOKYO SKYTREE has TEMBO DECKS(350m) and TEMBO GALLERIA(450m).
It was fine today and I could saw beautiful view from these.
It is the lower reaches of Sumida River,Toyosu and central Tokyo.
It is the view of Shinjuku subcenter.We can see Mt.Fuji beyond Tokyo Dome if the air is very clean.
It is the view of Asakusa and Ueno.
フロア350にあるSKYTREE CAFE。都心方面の景色を見ながらコーヒーが飲めます。
It is SKYTREE CAFE in Floor 350,TEMBO DECKS.We can drink coffee seeing central Tokyo.
天望回廊ではSTAR WARSとのコラボレーション企画を実施中です。(2016.2.11まで)
STAR WARS project is carried out in TEMBO GALLERIA until February 11,2016.
フロア345にあるSky Restaurant 634(musashi)。
This is Sky Restaurant 634(musashi) in floor 345.
フロア340にもSKYTREE CAFEがあり、軽食が頂けます。
SKYTREE CAFE is also in floor 340 and we can eat a light meal.