I introduce how to add a map to note on "Pocket Note", a notebook application for iPhone, iPad and Android.
Tap “map button” on Tool Bar.
Tap place to add a map.
If you change the scale of a map, do the following.
Tap “plus button” and the scale of a map is scaled up.
Tap “minus button” and the scale of a map is scaled down.
Also, when you pinch on a map, and the scale of a map changes.
If you change the display position of map, drag on a map.
If you display the current place on a map, do the following.
Tap a map, and frame and operation buttons are displayed.
Tap “the current place button”, and a map around current place is displayed.
If you erect a pin on a map, do either following ways.
Tap a map, and search bar is displayed. Input adderss or name in search bar and tap Search key.
Doing a long press of the place which you want to erect a pin.
If you delete a pin, do the following.
Tap a map, and frame and operation buttons are displayed.
Tap “the delete pin button”, and a pin is deleted.
If you change width and height of a map, do the following.
Tap “the width up button”, and width of a map become increasing.
Tap “the width down button”, and width of a map become decreasing.
Tap “the height up button”, and height of a map become increasing.
Tap “the height down button”, and height of a map become decreasing.
Tap “the scale up button”, and width and height of a map become increasing.
Tap “the scale down button”, and width and height of a map become decreasing.
If you move a map, do the following.
Tap a map.
Select search bar and drag a map after seeing that the frame of map is displayed.
If a map piles up other maps, sentence blocks, photos, lines, and diagrams, do the following and you can move a map to the front or back.
Tap “to front button” and a map moves to the front.
Tap “to back button” and a map moves to the back.
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