I explain how to make a PDF from an image on Android this time.
環境(Environment): Android Studio 2.2.1, API 21
At first, look sample code below.
private void savePDFTmp(Bitmap bmpPrint){ File cachedir = getExternalCacheDir(); String path = cachedir.getPath() + "/sample.pdf"; File saveFile = new File(path); PdfDocument document = new PdfDocument(); PdfDocument.PageInfo pageInfo = new PdfDocument.PageInfo.Builder(bmpPrint.getWidth(), bmpPrint.getHeight(), 1).create(); PdfDocument.Page page = document.startPage(pageInfo); Canvas canvas = page.getCanvas(); canvas.drawBitmap(bmpPrint, 0, 0, null); document.finishPage(page); try{ FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(path); document.writeTo(out); rtnValue = path; }catch(Exception e){ String err = e.toString(); } }
Use PdfDocument(android.graphics.pdf.PdfDocument) for making a PDF on Android.
At first, use PdfDocument.PageInfo and specify the scale of a PDF page, and set it to PdfDocument's startPage method as argument, and get PdfDocument.Page.
And get Canvas for writing PdfDocument.Page and draw Bitmap to this Canvas.
At last, declare PdfDocument's finishPage method in order to finish to write a PDF, and use FileOutputStream and write a PDF data to a file.
[iOS]How to make a PDF from an image
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